From 18 to 19 November 2022 round about 150 participants met in Frankfurt am Main for the 6th international ICOACHKIDS conference. Here you can find the documentation of the event.
From 18 to 19 November 2022 round about 150 participants met in Frankfurt am Main for the 6th international ICOACHKIDS conference. Here you can find the documentation of the event.
Professor Joe Baker (York University, CAN), Professor Kevin Till (Leeds Beckett University, UK)
The modern-day landscape of Olympic and Professional sport is arguably more competitive than ever. One consequence of this is the increased focus on talent identification and talent development within youth sport. In this keynote presentation, we will overview the challenges associated with optimising talent identification and development in sport with a focus upon understanding ‘WHAT IS TALENT?’. This will lead to the solution that It may be more effective, and ethical, to apply appropriate and research informed practices to “As many as possible for as long as possible”
Dr. Irene Faber (Netherlands Table Tennis Association & Windesheim University of Applied Science, NED)
Supporting talent development in youth sports is challenging for all stakeholders involved. This presentation provides an example from practice how to use a holistic approach in talent identification and development in an early starting sport, table tennis. It will give more insight in the policies, the good things and struggles in practice, the individual pathways of players involved and the support of science.
Professor Joe Baker (CAN), Professor Kevin Till (UK)
Following their keynote presentation, this workshop will provide an opportunity to consider, discuss and reflect upon the challenges and [possible] solutions to optimising talent identification and development practices within youth sport. This will focus around 3 main topics including 1) What are we looking for?; 2) What are the most effective ways to identify and develop talent?; and 3) Health considerations for talent identification and development. The workshop will aim to use current research alongside the audiences’ practical experiences to discuss these issues. Following the workshop, it is hoped practitioners will be able to evaluate their current programmes and practices that help inform future programmes within youth sport.
Declan O Leary (Sport Ireland, IRE)
In this session, David will share his experiences of supporting coaches to create long-term developmental curricula. Over the last 10 years David and his colleagues have supported coaches from over 50 different sports working in a range of environments: from grassroots to senior professional and Olympic systems. The process David and his team have developed has three stages: 1) modelling your sport; 2) modelling target performance; and 3) creating curriculum. He will work through these steps in the sessions and use practical examples to bring the concepts and processes to life.
Dr. David Piggott (Leeds Beckett University, UK)
Sport Ireland Coaching collaborated with the Camogie Association and the Sport Ireland Research and Innovation to evaluate the Sport Ireland Coaching Teenage Girls in Sport workshop and resources. The research focused on the sport of Camogie and if the workshop could support Camogie in engaging and retaining girls in the sport. Women in Sport (UK) were contracted to conduct the research. This workshop will follow the course of the project, its organic nature with each phase informing the next one, and present the research outcomes. Attendees will be asked to draw parallels with their own sport. Attendees will be asked to share challenges and share ways in which they engage teenage girls and seek to retain them in their sports.
Marco Gößmann-Schmitt (Bavarian Cycling Federation, GER)
Marco Gößmann-Schmitt – national coach in Bavaria for talent identification and youth sports in cycling – explains latest approaches of Bavarian Cycling Association in promoting young people in sports through a holistic strategy that includes personal and team development and also new perspectives to stand for their own sport. This positive growth began with the ICOACHKIDS MOOCs and decisive changes in coach education that led to new pedagogical frameworks.
Kris Van Der Haegen (Royal Belgian FA, BEL)
In this practical session, we try to create awareness about Intelligence in Football. What does ""Football Intelligence"" mean exactly and what are the components of football intelligence? How can we as coaches help the players to develop it? What does it mean to be a High IQ player? And how can we develop this player? If decision making is a key factor in intelligence (intelligent players make the best decisions in the game), what does it mean for our coaching sessions? How can we as coaches be prepared to modify our coaching style and to stimulate this game intelligence
Alan Ibrahimagic (GER), Marius Huth (GER)
This session will demonstrate some practice ideas and small sides games for improving decision making in basketball.
Bettina Haueisen & Dr. Tom Kossak (German Ski Federation, GER)
The workshop is about presenting the program "DSV Mental Stark!" and how to implement it in training using the different methods. The various methods of the project are intended to promote emotional and social competence, as well as self-competence in training. The personality development of the young athletes should be strengthened by the reference to the training and the implementation within the training, so that the young people can take the experiences for their further development in life.
Professor Sergio Lara-Bercial (Leeds Beckett University, ICCE UK/ESP), Professor Nicolette Schipper van Veldhoven (NOC*NSF, NED)
In this session, Sergio and Nicolette will offer an overview of the current picture of youth sport dropout globally and share the findings from an innovative multi-country research project in 6 European countries. This is the first study of its kind to consider dropout across multiple contexts and to take into consideration the impact of a variety of demographic characteristics which make dropout a multifactorial, individual, and emergent phenomenon. The presentation will conclude by providing some recommendations to minimise dropout and maximise participation.
Dr. Antje Hoffman (Institute for Applied Training Science, Head of Department for Junior Elite Sports, GER)
How is talent ID and development organised in Germany? Why do we deal with the topic talent at the IAT and what is our understanding of the term? Do we need to know the characteristics of sports and disciplines? What is these knowledge good for? What are our ideas and approaches to support national and regional federations in talent ID and development on the ground“? What does our work look like? Why and how do we promote the development of performance prerequisites and their diagnostics? Do we have to integrate general tests to foster basic movement skills? And what are our lessons learned within our work?
Damir Dugandzic (DFB, GER)
What do kids want? How can we combine fun, curiosity, self-efficacy and a lifelong contribution to sports and football? What has to be changed in German Youth football to achieve these aims based on a new perspective: looking through the children´s eyes? The German FA (DFB) announced in March 2022 a turn towards small-sided games particularly with new formats concerning the U7 - U11 playing groups. The increasement of participation, fun and touches of the ball on the one hand and reducing over-coaching, drop-out numbers and heading should be the outcome. But changes und their effects take time especially when a cultural shift has to set in.
Zusätzliche Infos rund um den reformierten Kinderfußball finden sich auf der Homepage des DFB unter (more information about the new German kids soccer system)
Anna Kavoura (University of Thessaly, GRE)
This workshop will focus on helping coaches understand the main ideas as to what safeguarding kids in sport is (i.e., typologies of child abuse, incidence, and perpetrators, what coaches can do to safeguard kids, what coaches can do to safeguard themselves).
Dr. Antje Hoffman, Marius Huth, Christian Steinberg, Jürgen Maaßman, Tim Brentjes (GER)
How is talent ID and development organised in Germany? Why do we deal with the topic talent at the IAT and what is our understanding of the term? Do we need to know the characteristics of sports and disciplines? What is these knowledge good for? What are our ideas and approaches to support national and regional federations in „talent ID and development on the ground“? Ho does our work look like? Why and how do we promote the development of performance prerequisites and their diagnostics? Do we have to integrate general tests to foster basic movement skills? And what are our lessons learned within our work? These questions will be adressed an discussed within the talk.
Michael Collins (Sport Ireland Ethics Unit, IRE)
The aim of the Young Voices Project is to provide personnel across a range of sporting organisations with the skills they need to deliver workshops using the Sport Ireland ‘Young Voices in Sport: Toolkit for Involving Young Members in Decision-Making’ to sports clubs/organisations in their own local area. The purpose of the Young Voices in Sport Toolkit is to provide volunteers and staff in sporting organisations with a concise suite of clear and easy to follow materials that set out how best to involve young members in decision-making at every level from grassroots through to national level.
The Young Voices in Sport Toolkit was developed using the Lundy Model of Participation. This Model was also used to develop the National Framework for Children and Young People's Participation in Decision Making.
Verena Hommer (Cheerleading Team Coach, GER)
An insight into Vernea’s consideration of athletic training and the resulting life path from successful athlete to trainer and people, whose focus is not on short-term performance, but the holistic view of "sporting" training and the resulting skills/possibilities lies. Verena would like to encourage rethinking, give ideas and report on her own experiences using cheersport as an example.
Dominic Ullrich (German Athletics Association and Elite Sport School, GER)
Praxisdemonstration mit einer Trainingsgruppe (Alter 11-13) der Eliteschule des Sports Frankfurt am Main. Aufbau der Kooperations- und Teamfähigkeit in leichtathletischen Spiel-, Übungs- und Wettbewerbsformen in den Disziplinbereichen Lauf, Sprung und Wurf.
Presentation of the contents and objectives of the training stages of the DLV framework training plans from children's athletics to advanced training with a special focus on talent discovery and talent promotion in athletics. Practical examples of age- and development-appropriate training by exploiting the motives of children and adolescents, taking into account motor and psychosocial development.
Über 340 Praxisvideos mit zahlreichen Ideen zum Training und Sportunterricht. Das Leichtathletiktraining an der Eliteschule des Sports Frankfurt am Main orientiert sich an den Rahmentrainingsplänen des Deutschen Leichtathletik-Verbandes (DLV). Mit den veröffentlichten Übungsbeispielen aus dem "normalen" Frühtraining der Leichtathleten soll aufgezeigt werden, wie mit relativ einfachen Mitteln ein attraktives und motivierendes, ein koordinativ anspruchsvolles und grundlegendes sowie leistungsorientiertes Training alters- und entwicklungsgemäß gestaltet werden kann.
Hier geht es zu den Videos:
Jenny Wolf, Maren Weid (Special Olympics, GER)
This session gives a theoretical and practical insight into the Special Olympics Young Athlete Program. We will talk about what is necessary to include not only children with ID but all people with different abilities and needs into a sports program. Small games will be used to show how to adapt coaches’ behavior, rules, material, and other factors to meaningful involve everybody into an activity. Different approaches on how to provide a competitive environment that gives every participant the chance for an individual success story will be discussed and tested out during this workshop.
Ger O’Connor (Dublin Gaealic Athletic Association, IRE)
This is a practical workshop showcasing the Gaelic Athletic Associations (GAA) two main field sports (Gaelic Games Football & Hurling). Ger will present how the core skills; pedagogical principles and content approaches of these games can be transferrable to most team sports. This fully interactive workshop invites coaches to play an active role in the session through coach observation and fun tasks.
Declan O’Leary (Sport Ireland, IRE), Jon-Paul St. Germain (Special Olympics, USA)
It’s clear - everybody can benefit from being active. Our job in youth sport is to both provide opportunities and encourage involvement. In relation to the participation of young people, the involvement of those with disabilities in sport lags behind the curve of the general population. The ICOACHKIDS Global Movement calls for each child and teenager to ‘develop a love for sport’ (Pledge Principle 5). This includes children and teenagers with disabilities. In this presentation, we will examine the barriers those with disabilities face (personal and in the local environment). We will then look at realistic, practical supports that can be used to address the barriers. While everyone can support the inclusion process, the role of the coach can be pivotal in both providing a positive movement experience and in encouraging the development of a sense of belonging in the individual.
Download Keynote Declan O'Leary
Download Keynote Jon-Paul St. Germain
Mariette Brethouwer (Nike, NED), Professor Nicole La Voi (Tucker Center, USA)
Nike is expanding on its commitment to girls and play through its strategic partnership with the Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport at the University of Minnesota, a preeminent interdisciplinary research center leading a global effort to accelerate change for girls and women in sport. Together, Nike and the Tucker Center have created an industry-first coaching tool called “Coaching HER,” designed specifically to keep 11–17 year-old girls from dropping out of sport during puberty, a critical age range which sees the highest drop-off of sport participation. Coaching HER is an online tool available to anyone including experienced and first-time coaches and it focuses on the importance of sport for girls and the actions coaches can take to set girls up for success.