Credit: PM Hoffmann

Federal programme to counter right-wing extremism and hatred in sport


Funding for sports clubs and associations and fan projects!

In 2024, the federal programme for sport launched by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI) is continuing to fund commitment to combating right-wing extremism and hatred as well as democratising activities in sports clubs and associations and fan projects.

At a glance

  • The federal programme to counter right-wing extremism and hatred in sport is continuing in 2024.
  • Funding can be obtained for activities in sports associations/federations and fan projects by applying for packages of measures
  • Pilot projects in sports clubs relating to “Sports clubs and democratisation” can be funded



The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI), the Federal Institute of Sport Science (BISp) and German Sports Youth (dsj) are working together to put the programme into practice on the basis of a specially developed concept.

In this context, dsj is responsible for managing the funding pillars “sports associations” and “sports clubs”, and the BISp for the funding pillar “research”.



“The federal programme enables sports clubs, sports associations and fan projects to extend their activities to counter right-wing extremism and to make themselves more democratic. We want to – and indeed must – take advantage of this opportunity! After all, it goes without saying that organised sport is an important building block for a democratic society. That is why we welcome the continued implementation of the funding options and, at the same time, say that we need sufficient funds and prospects beyond 2024 – for sport with courage, a stronger democracy and respectful co-existence in our society!”

Benny Folkmann, Deputy Chair of dsj


The BMI programme funds practical work to counter right-wing extremism and hatred and to strengthen the democratic and integrative power of sport

  1. in not-for-profit, organised sport (grassroots/amateur/youth, competitive and elite sport),
  2. at interfaces with non-organised, independent or commercial sports organisations, sport-related social work and other civil-society initiatives and organisations,
  3. in fan scenes or through fan projects.

Research projects on the topic are also supported (by the BISp).

In practice, projects that deal with topics such as right-wing extremism, group-related hatred and democratisation in sport can be realised. There may also be content relating to children’s and human rights and the rights of people with disabilities.

In particular, funding is to go to the areas that have so far not been covered, not been covered sufficiently, or not been covered specifically in relation to sports by other federal programmes.

Harnessing synergies: partnerships with other federal programmes are desirable, provided that the relevant regulations and guidelines are observed and that this is sensible in terms of the content and the concept.

The federal programme recognises sport as a place for tackling challenges that are found in society as a whole, but also, and in some cases specifically, occur in sport.

Topics covered by the federal programme

Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI) on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag.

Funding in 2024

The following funding options are possible:

1. Funding for pilot projects relating to “Sport clubs and democratisation”
  • Development of greater democracy in the sports club in the spirit of the programme and its contents
  • and support with processing and examining specific phenomena and forms of discrimination according to the specific needs.
  • Human resources/fees and materials for three pilot projects at sports clubs.
    Plus: additional support through “packages of measures” (see point 2).

2. Packages of measures

The following packages of measures are available for sports associations/federations, fan projects according to the National Concept for Sport and Security and the three types of funding for pilot projects at sports clubs.

  • Funding for packages of measures: small, medium and large funding volumes (EUR 1,500 - 50,000), depending on the content of the package of measures and the target groups. No funding of staffing costs.
  • You can apply for funding for fees and materials depending on the configuration of the package of measures.


You will find the further application procedures, information about putting a project into practice and the relevant forms for settling the account here:

Application and form



Ask your questions about funding and support here: Bundesprogramm(at)