
Company details


Company data

Legal Notice: 

The website is provided by Deutsche Sportjugend (dsj). Deutsche Sportjugend ist the youth organization within the DOSB. 


Deutsche Sportjugend 
im Deutschen Olympischen Sportbund e.V. (DOSB)  
Otto-Fleck-Schneise 12 
60528 Frankfurt am Main  

Tel.: +49 (0)69 670 00  
Email: info(at)   

Represented by:  

Chairperson of the Board: n.n. 
Board member: Thomas Arnold
Board member: Michaela Röhrbein 
Board member: Olaf Tabor 
Board member: Leon Ries 

In each case, two board members represent the DOSB, both internally and externally. One of the two acting board members must always be the Chairperson of the Board or the board member responsible for finance.  

District Court Frankfurt am Main, entered into the 
Register of Associations of the District Court Frankfurt am Main, VR 13581 
UST-ID-Nr.:  DE249253907 

Editorial office:  

Responsible for content according to § 18 (2) MStV: Stefan Raid 

Yara Willems 
Tel.: 069 67 00 – 251 
E-Mail: willems(at)  

Design and implementation: 

GWeb Solutions GmbH & Co. KG 
Bürgermeister-Mahr-Straße 32 
63179 Obertshausen 
Tel.: 06104 94 10 34 
E-Mail: info(at)  