With its area of action “sport with courage”, German Sports Youth aims to impart the fundamental principles of a democratic basic understanding and arrange lasting support for democratic participation (in accordance with the dsj Youth Rules).
To guarantee this, German Sports Youth acts on input relating to specific social questions and develops positions on relevant social developments. It makes working aids and handouts, such as a collection of materials on the topic of “sport with courage”, available to its member organisations, active members of sports clubs and interested parties outside the structures of organised sport.
dsj coordinates the activities of not-for-profit, organised sport within the German federal programme “Cohesion through participation”. With this programme, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community, acting through the Federal Agency for Civic Education, promotes projects for democratic participation and against extremism in rural and economically underdeveloped areas.
Since January 2018, German Sports Youth has also been home to the administrative office of the network Sport and politics for fairness, respect and human dignity.