About us


Investing in the future of our young people - through sport

German Sports Youth (dsj) is the youth organisation within the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB). It coordinates the work of its member organisations, especially in the event of shared challenges. In collaboration with them and other forces in society, it wants to further develop forms of sports-related and general youth work. It also wants to promote education and childcare through children’s and youth work in sport and thus to make a contribution towards tackling the challenges facing society and youth policy. 

German Sports Youth represents the interests of: 

  • over 10 million children, teenagers and young people up to the age of 26 
  • who are organised into around 86,000 sports clubs in 16 state youth sports associations, 62 youth organisations of the central associations 
  • and 10 youth organisations of sports associations with specific functions. 

This makes dsj the largest non-statutory child and youth welfare agency in the Federal Republic of Germany. 
Tasks and principles 
With its member organisations and their subdivisions, German Sports Youth creates programmes that use sport to support young people in their personal development throughout Germany. Conceived in an international and European context, dsj organises and funds youth exchange programmes and training measures for young people and professionals as well as the development of new exchange programmes and the improvement of existing ones. 

An essential element of dsj’s work is the collaborative projects with individual member organisations. The most important of these projects are those that develop and test model solutions that are relevant to all the dsj member organisations.

The tasks are structured on the basis of fields of action that capture the socio-political potential of children’s and youth work in sport. 

  • Youth engagement in sport
    engagement formats and scope for participation, funding for engagement, voluntary services in sport
  • Protection of children and young people in sport
    prevention, intervention and processing with regard to psychological, physical and sexualised violence in sport, protection against interpersonal violence in sport, prevention of doping, match fixing and addiction
  • International youth work in sport
    international exchange partnerships, youth education on development policy, multilateral collaboration, Olympic projects
  • Sport, games and physical activity - sport and physical activity for children and young people
    a child’s world is a world of movement, school as a space for physical activity, importance of sport and physical activity for health and holistic development, educational quality of training in children’s and youth sport
  • Sport with courage - accepting social responsibility
    strengthening democracy, socio-political engagement, participation and diversity, non-discrimination, anti-racism, sustainability
  • Think tank on children’s and youth sport - continued development of children’s and youth work in sport
    strategy and basic principle, trends and prospects for the future, systemic continued development, digitalisation of children’s and youth work, virtual sports and e-gaming, education and the dialogue between research and practice

Youth Rules and Rules of Procedure

German Youth Sports (dsj) is the youth organisation within the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB). The two institutions have signed a coordination agreement with regard to their relationship.

The Youth Rules and theRules of Procedure were adopted by the Extraordinary General Assembly of German Sports Youth (dsj) on 29 April 2006 and entered into force on 20 May 2006.
The revised version of the Youth Rules was adopted on 26 October 2024.

The Rules for Bestowing Honour were adopted by the General Assembly of German Sports Youth (dsj) in October 2004 and entered into force on 17 January 2005.