


ICOACHKIDS and iCoachKids+

ICOACHKIDS is a Global Movement whose mission is to promote sport policy, education and practice that puts kids first.

Our vision is of a world where every child has access to positive sport experiences that foster a love for sport, play and physical activity.

Our goal is to become the centre of excellence for education, development and policy in youth sport


  1. Be child-centred
  2. Be holistic
  3. Be inclusive
  4. Make it fun and safe
  5. Prioritise the love for sport over learning sport
  6. Focus on foundational skills
  7. Engage parents positively
  8. Plan progressive programmes
  9. Use different methods to enhance learning
  10. Use competition in a developmental way


ICK provides a website for all children and youth coaches that contains free access to all information and materials for successful cross-sport coaching of children and young people.  
In addition, three FREE online courses have been developed to provide coaches in training and those already working in practice with important concepts, ideas and proven methods for working with children digitally and freely accessible.  
The modules have been developed especially for training with children aged 5 to 12.  

ICOACHKIDS is an international, European collaborative project that supports the development of coaches of children and young people across the EU.  
It is the result of an Erasmus+ project led by Leeds Beckett University and the International Council for Coaching Excellence, which was implemented from 2016 to 2019 together with six other European sports organisations from across Europe.  
The follow-up project iCoachKids+ has been running since 2020, which extends the target group more strongly to the youth sector.  

Click here to go to the official website of the project:


Project Objectives

ICOACHKIDS+ aimed to address the current lack of coach education resources to support coaches working with young people. It used sound and evidence-based principles of adolescent participant development to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Enhance participation in sport and decrease dropout for children aged 12-18 (especially in girls)
  2. Maximise the health enhancing properties of sport participation
  3. Take full advantage of the potential of sport as tool for positive youth development

Project Activities

In order to achieve these objectives, ICOACHKIDS+ engaged in the following project activities:

  • Research and report sports participation rates of adolescents across Europe to better understand the overall picture for both male and female participants.
  • Research and report motivations and barriers for sport engagement in European adolescents to better understand why adolescents may or may not engage in sport and why they dropout or stay in sport and understand any differences demographically across Europe.
  • Systematically review current talent identification and development literature to enhance our understanding of what effective TEDs look like from a holistic and differentiated (male and female) development perspective.
  • Research and report exemplary youth sport environments across participation and performance contexts for both male and female youth participants across Europe to identify best practices and support coaches and clubs promote personal and social development through sport.
  • Building of 2 Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) and accompanying study guides and infographics for coaches of adolescents to facilitate the mass training of coaches working with adolescents both recreationally and in TDEs
  • Creation of iCoachKids+ Online Platform to host the MOOCs and serve as a hub and repository of information for the European community of adolescents coaches.

What makes ICOACHKIDS so unique?
  • The results of the ICK project are suitable for (non-formal) education in sport: The MOOCs (massive open online courses) are developed on the basis of scientific learning outcomes and learning units and are therefore well suited to be adopted by education, training and further education institutions throughout the European Union. This should improve the transparency of the activity of child and youth trainers as well as their mobility and employment opportunities. 
  • The iCK project brings together a steadily growing number of children's and youth coaches and coach trainers from all over Europe. Once a year, they are invited to an iCK conference for dialogue and further training. 
  • The iCK project is evidence-based: All ICK results are based on existing research findings or new studies conducted by the project partners during the project period. 


MOOC 1 - Developing Effective Environments for Youth Sport

MOOC 2 - Child-Centred Coaching and Physical Literacy

Chapter 1: Motivation in Sport
Chapter 2: Making Sport Inclusive
Chapter 3: How Children Grow and Develop
Chapter 4: Motor Skill Development and Conditioning for Children

MOOC 3: Coaching on the Ground - Planning, Doing and Reviewing

Chapter 1: Planning for Success
Chapter 2: How Learning Happens and How Coaches Can Help
Chapter 3: Coaching in Competition
Chapter 4: Reflective Tools for Coaches

MOOC 4 - Maximising Sport Participation and Engagement in Youth Sport

Chapter 1: Understanding Youth Sport Participation
Chapter 2: Understanding Youth Sport Dropout
Chapter 3: Maximising Engagement in Sport

MOOC 5 - Developing Effective Talent Development Environments

Chapter 1: The Talent Development Process
Chapter 2: Talent Development Environments
Chapter 3: The Role of Different People in TD Es