Education in sport


Education in sport

Organised sport makes an important and indispensable contribution towards the holistic development of children and young people. Children’s and youth work in sport, and sport itself, have educational potential that is relevant for practice at sports clubs, as they can have a positive impact on children and young people. 

The sports club contributes to the healthy physical, mental and social development of children and young people. Sport, games and physical activity have the potential to support young people in difficult stages of life. The educational environment at a sports club is presented as a non-formal setting where formal and informal learning processes are possible. It is becoming clear that the participation of children and young people is a decisive factor in the quality of the educational processes. dsj’s model for personal and team development, for example, shows how this potential can be realised at a sports club. 

Youth leader card (Juleica)

The youth leader card (Juleica) is the standard ID card for voluntary youth workers throughout Germany. It serves as proof of the owners’ identification and qualifications. The Juleica is also supposed to express society’s recognition of voluntary engagement. Youth organisations in the area of sport have the option of issuing a Juleica to their volunteers – this creates another major incentive to get involved in sport! 

You can apply online at There, youth leaders/volunteers can apply themselves or the agency can take care of this.

To be recognised as an agency in a federal state and to be registered in the application system, you must contact the competent central authority for the state. This is also the first port of call for questions about the Juleica. You can find the contact details at As soon as you are recognised and registered as a statewide structure in a federal state, you can also enter the local subdivisions in the application system yourself. 

The individual states are responsible for regulations relating to the Juleica (recognition as an agency, contents of the training, etc.). However, there is agreement about nationwide minimum standards

Responsible body for youth sports associations in the area of DOSB training courses/general guidelines

The implementation provisions of the general guidelines lay down the responsibility that the youth sports associations/youth organisations of the umbrella associations have with regard to the individual DOSB training courses.  

The youth sports associations can therefore be responsible for training measures for the club managers with a B or C licence and for youth leaders and are entitled to assume responsibility for a training course (incl. conceptual competence, policy-making competence, organisational competence, licensing, quality assurance). 

The implementation provisions go on to say: 

“In the case of training courses with a focus on ‘children/young people’, it is recommended that responsibility be transferred to the youth organisations. In any case, collaboration and coordination with the respective youth organisations must be guaranteed. The provisions of the German Child and Youth Services Act (KJHG) and the German Federal Government’s Child and Youth Plan (KJP) must be observed.” (General guidelines p. 85) 

dsj provides support and advice for the implementation of training measures.