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Occasional, largely regional professional programmes have taken place in Israel since 1962, and there have been individual youth group visits to Germany since around 1968. The exchange partnership on a national level began in 1975 with a first dsj study and information programme in Germany encompassing all Israeli sports organisations. The formal beginning of the central youth sports exchange programme with Israel can be traced back to this programme. Right from the start, a key focus was on both countries acknowledging the significance that the regulated collaboration has for youth policy in view of the burden that the Holocaust has placed on the shared history of Jews and Germans. Subsequently, other elements of the policy of reconciliation and understanding were incorporated, including intercultural education. Since then, the German-Israeli exchange partnership has become one of dsj’s most important international partnerships – not only politically, but also in terms of numbers – and is a priority for international youth work.

As a central office of ConAct, the Coordination Centre for German-Israeli Youth Exchange, dsj is available to provide advice, find partner organisations and explain funding options.

dsj represents the interests of youth sport on the Joint Technical Committee of the two youth ministries.

dsj partner organisations

In Israel, there are various sports organisations that are not organised in an umbrella association. The sports associations are Maccabi Israel, Hapoel, Elitzur and ASA. dsj collaborates with Maccabi and Hapoel in particular, as well as with the funding agency ConAct - Coordination Centre for German-Israeli Youth Exchange.

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo Maccabi Israel

Maccabi World Union is an international Jewish sports association that has around 400,000 members from 65 countries. Maccabi Israel is the Israeli member organisation of Maccabi World Union, with which dsj works particularly intensively.
Maccabi has set itself the goal of using sport to integrate its athletes into the Jewish community and to strengthen their loyalty to this community. Maccabi’s work focuses particularly on the social development of young people and communication between Jews and Gentiles with the help of sport.
Maccabi also organises the Maccabiah Games, which take place every four years, and the European Maccabi Games (EMG). The Maccabiah Games are the third biggest sporting event in the world and the biggest Jewish sporting event. More than 10,000 Jewish athletes take part and compete against one another in various disciplines.

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo Hapoel

Hapoel is Israel’s largest sports association. Established in 1926 by the Histadrut Labour Federation, it stands in the tradition of the Israeli labour movement to this day. A number of Israeli sports clubs that belong to the association are named after “Hapoel”.
Hapoel supports its member organisations and athletes through sports sponsorship programmes and sporting events. The sporting events include the “Sportiada”. More than 7,000 workers take part in the Sportiada and compete against one another in various kinds of sport. In total, around 1,000 youth groups, more than 300 groups for adults and 700 sports clubs engage in various kinds of sport under the name of “Hapoel”.
Hapoel’s goals include, above all, the cultivation and promotion of health, physical activity and sport.

Country-specific information

You can find the country-specific information about Israel here.


Bilateral and trilateral exchanges with Israel are funded from a special programme for German-Israeli youth exchanges within the German Federal Government’s Child and Youth Plan. The funds for this special programme are managed by ConAct, the Coordination Centre for German-Israeli Youth Exchange. ConAct also provides information and advice about the German-Israeli youth exchange programme.

You can find further information about funding for the German-Israeli youth exchange programme at Israel (ConAct/Child and Youth Plan)

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo ConAct
ConAct – Coordination Centre for German-Israeli Youth Exchange

ConAct was set up in 1991 and is far more than an organisation for funding the youth exchange programme. In particular, it is also a partner for refining the content of the German-Israeli youth exchange programme and for helping to set up new club partnerships. Its tasks are as follows:

  • providing advice and support to organisations and institutions involved in the German-Israeli youth exchange programme
  • suggesting exchange projects, helping to broker and deepen contacts between interested organisations and youth initiatives
  • suggesting new forms and areas for collaboration and exchange
  • carrying out matchmaking events and conferences relating to the German-Israeli youth exchange programme
  • providing further training for employees of the German-Israeli youth exchange programme to qualify them for the collaboration
  • helping to find placements and assisting with the organisation of seminars for internships and work shadowing in educational institutions
  • providing recommendations to the Joint Technical Committee for German-Israeli Youth Exchange and to the competent national authorities
  • developing and publishing information and working materials
  • pointing out and communicating financing options and looking for sponsors