Information for prospective volunteers


Voluntary service in sport is offered throughout Germany and aimed at all age groups.

The voluntary service in sport

  • is an educational and orientation year
  • would like to get people enthusiastic about making a voluntary social commitment and assuming responsibility
  • provides insights into an exciting field
  • gives young people their first professional experience
  • qualifies people for work, studies and volunteering.

The majority of our volunteers are under 26. In many places, there are also programmes for people in other stages of life. Special training and support is available for these people.
Possible places of assignment in the area of sport include clubs and sports facilities that regularly organise games, sports and leisure activities for children and teenagers, e.g. sports clubs, sports associations, nursery schools (promoting physical activity) or (sports) schools. All the volunteers receive training for their work and can acquire licences.
German Sports Youth is the umbrella organisation of the agencies for the Voluntary Social Year (FSJ) in sport. The dsj member organisations are generally responsible for the administration, organisation and execution of the FSJ in sport as the agencies. The contact for prospective volunteers is the relevant agency.

More than three thousand, mostly young, people are currently completing a voluntary service in sport.

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General conditions


Generally 12 months; terms between 6 and 18 months are possible by agreement

Working hours

Prospective volunteers can choose to serve full time or part time with more than 20 hours per week. There are no special requirements for part-time service.

Start date

Generally on 1 July, 1 August or 1 September. Other dates possible on request

Training seminars

On 25 free seminar days, the focus is on the shared experience, reflecting on the service, and the acquisition of trainer or coaching licences. Special rules apply for older participants.


Volunteers receive pocket money, are entitled to child benefit and are covered by social security (e.g. health insurance)


Generally 24-26 days a year

Tasks and activities
  • Assisting with the work of the club or association
  • Planning, carrying out and analysing the club’s programmes for children and teenagers
  • Providing educational support for children and young people – at the club, at schools and at nursery schools
  • Supporting games festivals, sport taster events, the sportsmobile, holiday camps or skater meetings and parent-child gymnastics
  • Learning the ropes and participating in the youth self-government committees
  • Designing training sessions and competition support
  • Public relations work, organisational and administrative tasks in the club’s administrative office
  • Maintaining and, if applicable, building up contacts within and outside the places of assignment
  • By agreement, it is also possible to deploy volunteers in other areas, for example in the area of the environment, looking after special target groups, and manual and gardening work.

Depending on the state in which you want to complete your service (place of residence), you can find the contact details for obtaining further information and submitting an application here. Agencies from the areas of rowing, gymnastics, table tennis and chess, and the German Youth Power Sports Association also offer assignments throughout Germany.

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