Credit: LSB NRW/Andrea Bowinkelmann

Federal Volunteer Service for elite sport


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Federal Volunteer Service and elite sport

German Sports Youth is able to make an attractive offer to particularly successful athletes. Volunteers with a “sportsperson” status can train and take part in competitions during their working hours – by agreement with their place of assignment.

Sportspeople can serve in the Federal Volunteer Service if they are members of the national team (Olympic squad, perspective squad, supplementary squad, team sports squad, junior squad 1, or the national team for World Games sports) or are amongst the most promising up-and-coming sportspeople (junior squad 2) or regular players in one of the teams in the Bundesliga.

Possible places of assignment include Olympic bases and high-performance centres, as well as the training and support facilities (national and state high-performance centres and national bases) of central associations and, by agreement, sports associations and sports clubs.

Please observe the applicable regulations and use the application form if applicable.

You can obtain further information about the Federal Volunteer Service for elite sport from the Federal Volunteer Service team.
Contact: bfdverwaltung(at)