

The German-Polish collaboration at dsj

It was in 1972 that dsj made the initial contact with Poland to set up a German-Polish exchange partnership. Since then, German-Polish youth exchanges and professional exchange programmes have taken place. The establishment of the German-Polish Youth Office (DPJW) in 1991 gave this partnership new momentum. The increase in funding meant that it was possible to fund a lot of new club exchanges.
As a central office of the DPJW, dsj is available to provide advice to, find partner organisations for and explain funding options to interested German organisations.

dsj partner organisations

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo LZS

dsj’s partner organisation is the Polish National Association of Popular Sport Teams Krajowe Zrzeszenie Ludowe Zespoły Sportowe (LZS). The association based in Warsaw is the umbrella association of many different Polish sports clubs and associations. Through its structures in the individual voivodeships, the LZS has a huge reach in organised sport in Poland, right into the rural areas.

In May 2022, dsj and the LKS signed a partnership agreement that forms the basis for a future German-Polish exchange partnership between the two associations. With the support of the DPJW, dsj and the LKS want to work together to extend and ramp up the German-Polish youth exchange programme and their collaboration on associated topics. 

Country-specific information

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo IJAB

The International Youth Service for the Federal Republic of Germany (IJAB) publishes country-specific information on the website www.ijab.de. There, you will find a variety of information about Poland, the framework for children’s and youth work, and child and youth welfare in practice as well as further useful information.


German-Polish youth exchanges and professional exchange programmes are funded from the resources of the German-Polish Youth Office (DPJW).
The funds are forwarded to the German organisations in the field of organised children’s and youth sport by dsj, as the central office for sport. dsj is the contact for all sports clubs and sports associations interested in a youth exchange or a professional exchange programme with Poland.

You can find further information about funding for German-Polish youth exchanges and professional exchange programmes at Funding – DPJW: Poland

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo des DPJW

The DPJW was established in 1991 as an international organisation. It has offices in Warsaw and in Potsdam. The DPJW is financed by the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland. The funds are available to both German and Polish organisations. When the DPJW was established, its main objective was to achieve reconciliation between the two countries by enabling them to get to know the people and culture of the other country in the context of youth exchanges.