

Partner organisations

dsj’s Greek partner organisation is the Hellenic Olympic Academy. It is an educational academy operated by the Hellenic Olympic Committee and helps the committee to spread the Olympic spirit and the Olympic values. The EΘNOA actively teaches children and teenagers the idea behind the Olympic Movement and promotes the Olympic idea. It is a close partner in the coordination of the German-Greek sports exchange programme and advises Greek sports clubs who are interested in an exchange.
Another partner in the German-Greek exchange programme is the German-Greek Youth Office. The German-Greek Youth Office (DGJW) is a binational organisation that was set up in 2018 by the Agreement on the Establishment of the German-Greek Youth Office and started work on 1 April 2021. The funds that are at the organisation’s disposal are provided by the Federal Republic of Germany and the Hellenic Republic of Greece.
Funds for German-Greek and trilateral exchanges in children’s and youth sport are forwarded by dsj, as the central office for sport, to the German organisations in the field of organised children’s and youth sport. Funding is provided on the basis of the DGJW’s guidelines.