

The Franco-German partnership at dsj

The first Franco-German youth sports exchanges were organised shortly after the Second World War and were used to bring the young people of the two countries closer together. Therefore, the Franco-German exchange partnership has a longer tradition than any of the other bilateral collaborations in the field of youth sport. A number of town twinning agreements arose as a result of the early youth sports exchanges, and the two governments finally signed the Treaty on Franco-German Cooperation (Elysée Treaty) in 1963, which also provided for the establishment of the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO).

As a central office of the FGYO, dsj is responsible for funding Franco-German youth sports exchanges. Every year, more than 200 Franco-German exchanges are organised between sports clubs and associations. dsj represents the interests of youth sport on the FGYO advisory board. Further information about the German-French youth exchange programme can be found under Funding - FGYO: France.

dsj partner organisations

dsj’s French partner organisations are the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO), the Comité National Olympique et Sportif Francais (CNOSF), and the Ligue de l‘enseignement.

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo des DFJW
Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO)

Ever since it was set up by the Franco-German Cooperation Treaty of 1963, the FGYO has funded Franco-German youth exchanges. The FGYO’s mission is to bring the young people of Germany and France together and to create the conditions for a better understanding in international communication. The FGYO supports a variety of programmes in different areas that affect young people, e.g. sport, town twinning, school, university, work, culture.

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo des CNOSF
Comité National Olympique et Sportif Francais (CNOSF)

The CNOSF is the French Olympic committee, a state-approved not-for-profit association to which 108 sports associations are affiliated. The CNOSF is recognised by the IOC as a body for promoting and protecting the Olympic Movement in France on the basis of the Olympic Charter. The CNOSF is an ambassador for the sports movement in the interests of the general public and contributes towards the promotion and development of sport in all its forms.

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo der Ligue de l'enseignement

Ligue de l´enseignement

The Ligue de l'enseignement is an organisation for extracurricular education whose goal is to promote equal access to culture, education and leisure activities for everyone. Two sports associations are affiliated to the Ligue de l’enseignement: the USEP (primary school sports association) and the UFOLEP (multidisciplinary sports association)

Country-specific information

The International Youth Service for the Federal Republic of Germany (IJAB) publishes country-specific information on the website There, you can find a range of information about France, the framework for children’s and youth work, and child and youth welfare in practice as well as further useful information.

You can find the country-specific information about France here.


Franco-German youth exchange programmes are funded with the resources of the German-French Youth Office (FGYO).

The funds are forwarded to the organisations in the field of organised children’s and youth sport by dsj, as the central office for sport. Therefore, dsj is the contact for all the sports organisations in the field of organised children’s and youth sport that are interested in a youth exchange. 

You can find further information about funding for Franco-German youth exchange programmes at Funding – FGYO: France