Young people are our future and more than 9 million of them belong to a sports club in Germany. Young or old, sports fanatic or couch potato – the new dsj podcast is aimed at everyone.
Because children’s and youth sport is much more than just sport: it is youth work, education, health, engagement, diversity and much more. In every episode, the hosts Carolin Giffhorn and Yara Willems discuss the topics that are important to young people involved in sport.
Wherever podcasts can be found – Spotify, Apple Podcast and on the dsj YouTube channel!
As a children’s and youth association, dsj acts as a physical activity advocate for children by facilitating and promoting the acquisition of skills through physical activity, by creating and recovering space for children to engage in physical activity, and through information, education and lobbying.
dsj is committed to a democratic basic understanding and arranging lasting support for democratic participation in sport and beyond.
In collaboration with its member organisations, dsj offers voluntary service in sport: a year of training and orientation with the goal of preparing young people to make a voluntary social commitment and assume responsibility.
As well as providing advice and support for international exchange programmes and participating in German and European discourse in the area of children’s and youth work in and through sport, dsj maintains direct partnerships with partner organisations in a wide variety of countries.
dsj promotes and supports youth engagement It creates scope for this and gives young people the opportunity to develop and strengthen their own personality and to champion other people and a variety of topics.
dsj is actively committed to providing protection against violence at all levels of organised sport through prevention, intervention and processing.
dsj sees sustainability as a cross-sectional mission, both in the organisation itself and in the context of its tasks and activities.
dsj makes it clear that sport comes in many forms and has an integrative and inclusive power that connects all kinds of people.